Game 1

Well, game 1 didn't end as we had hoped. We played Grand Trunk (a good team with lots of tall players!) and they definitely made us work! We got our stride at the beginning of the 2nd quarter, but just couldn't make things happen as a team. We are proud of the boys for playing a clean game and working hard until the very end. We lost gracefully and Grand Trunk were gracious winners. Congrats to Grand Trunk on their well-played game.
It was great to see pictures and videos of our fellow students cheering us on back home--thanks for the pictures and encouragement! We had a relaxing afternoon at the hotel and put the loss and our new game path into perspective. We are now playing towards 9th...still an incredible accomplishment out of 400 teams in the province :)
SO...we play tomorrow at 3:30 against Lamont. Tonight, though, we get to dress up and enjoy an evening at the banquet with the other teams.
Go Hawks!