We have arrived!

It was a full 8.5 hours of driving today, but our amazing driver, Chris, got us to Peace River safely and on time! After a quick hotel check in and a wrong turn with a long detour (that COULDN'T have been my fault)...we made it to the school for our quick practice time before the tournament begins tomorrow. We had a chance to visit with 2 other coaches we have met in our league and at tournaments along the way and they were both very excited to see our team at Provincials this year! That is a testament to the lovely boys we have on this team representing HCA.
Tonight was relaxing with dinner and now some downtime in rooms before lights out. Opening ceremonies is at 9:15, followed by official team pictures and our first game at 12:45! We hope you can tune in on the link in our first post and cheer us on from afar!
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. We are thrilled to have this opportunity!
Go Hawks!
--Mrs Kooiker
Jen Airhart
PostedHey guys! Have a great first day of the tournament! We’ve got everything set up and scheduled for the game to be live-streamed on the screens in the cafeteria and hallways for your 12:45 game!! (Fingers crossed it all works as expected!
Mrs Mann
PostedGood luck today boys!
Cheering and praying for you from the far south :)