Sr Music Tour - Day 2

Day 2 started off bright and early with a 7am breakfast call and 815am bus boarding time. The hotel did not disappoint in the breakfast department and everyone was able to have a great meal to start the day.
We had a short trip to White Rock Christian Academy (located well... in White Rock, near Richmond) where we had a very warm welcome. Our crew worked out the kinks in unpacking and setting up for performances before being welcomed by their K-12 student body! Some of their older students did remember our music performers from last year in Three Hills at our mini festival and there were some nice reunions.
Playing in front of a crowd is a great way to remind us of our purpose on this journey and the students rose to the occasion. With such a warm reception from the audience it was a great way to start our performance tour. Our set had a great build up closing with our Vocal Jazz and Jazz band getting the crowd clapping and cheering.
Quickly packing up we were off to lunch in New Westminster where students were able to group up and do a little exploring and had an independent lunch (turns out under the shadow of the apartment building Mr V's parents live in!).
We journeyed over to the Massey Theatre after lunch where our bus was waiting with our equipment. There we had our first workshop with a super special secret Clinician.... Mr V's high school music teacher! Choral and Instrumental groups spent some time with him and their competition pieces getting some extremely sage advice !
From Massey we journeyed over to our hotel (we are getting good at this hotel thing now) and then off for a combo dinner-bowling night. I wont cheat and say anyone ate their veggies that night but we did get to have alot of time together and burn off some steam (and the calories from the pizza) with a couple of hours on the lanes.
We were back in our hotel by about 8, giving time for some swimming, basketball and even some laundry for some. We wrapped up our day with another soul searching time of devotion before lights out at 1030...